Prior to Sedation or General Anesthesia
Anesthetic methods permit us to select reasonably healthy patients as candidates to have general anesthesia or sedation.
Your safety is our primary concern. Successful management of your general anesthetic or sedation depends, to a great extent, upon your careful cooperation in following the enclosed rules. In addition, it is essential that you have a driver/ chaperone that is likewise familiar with this brochure.
Information for the patient:
- You must have nothing to eat or drink (no food, gum, or candy, not even a sip of water) for 6 hours prior to your surgery. Any deviation from this will usually require postponement of your anesthetic.
- Please refrain from eating anything heavy the night before the surgery or as your last meal prior to not eating or drinking.
- Please notify our office of colds, flu or any other illness that develop prior to surgery. For your safety, it may be necessary to delay surgery.
- If you usually take prescribed medications please check with Dr. Aidelbaum or Dr. Chen to see whether these medications can be taken on the day of surgery.
- If you need to take any prescribed medications before surgery, please take them at least 2 hours before the surgery with only a sip of water
- Be sure to take your pre-medication one (1) hour before your surgery, if one has been ordered.
- Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly before arriving; a clean mouth will heal faster.
- Refrain from smoking before surgery.
- Contact lenses should be removed prior to arrival for surgery. Remove all make-up and jewelry. No perfume, aftershave, or cologne on the day of surgery.
- Wear a short sleeve garment that is loose fitting above the arms and neck. This will facilitate the placement of monitoring equipment before you go to sleep. Preferably the garment should button down the front.
- Don’t be in a hurry to eat when you leave the office. Start with water and slowly work your way up to soft foods.
- A responsible and mature person must be available postoperatively to take you to your residence and be with you for the rest of the day. Before you are anesthetized, we must know how that individual may be contacted.
- You must not drive. Although you may think that the anesthetic has completely worn off, the minimal effect of the drugs often last for twenty- four (24) hours. These drugs may impair your reflexes and judgment thus such ordinary activities – as driving, crossing streets and climbing stairs become greater hazards.
- Relax and remain quiet after your anesthetic.
- Each person reacts to anesthesia individually –if you have any questions concerning your recovery from the anesthetic after you leave the office be sure to give us a call.
Information for the driver/chaperone:
- To assure safety after an anesthetic or sedation a responsible and mature person must accompany patients for the rest of the day. The patient must not drive an automobile or operate potentially dangerous equipment for 24 hours.
- As driver/chaperone, we ask you to be available when the patient is dismissed from the office. Since the precise time of dismissal cannot be predicted, please accompany the patient to the office.
- Use every means to assure that the patient remains quiet and rests for the remainder of the day. Alcohol and un-prescribed sedatives should be avoided.
- The effect of the anesthetic drugs may seem to be completely worn off when you take the patient home, however, there still may be slight residual effects that impair judgment and coordination. This is the primary reason why we ask that the patient be chaperoned for the rest of the day